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美国僵尸工坊主要以5160弹簧钢材料为准,手工制作,所有刀具原型均来自生化危机,僵尸工坊的辨识度来自于它的刀片处理、刀柄设计。Zombie Tools的产品坚固耐用,功能强大,最重要的是持久耐用。带有明显的末日风格刀具是僵尸工坊的主要特点!



Zombie Tools intention to be the best blade makers we can possibly be. Our blades are burly, fully functional and durable. We intend for our blades to be unique, beautifully badass, and to bear the marks of the hands that made them. Additionally we want them to be affordable. To achieve this balance, we use a mix of technology and traditional methods, and slather it all in our sticky and sometimes inappropriate sauce.


Zombie Tools constantly changing and improving what we do, both to get better results and to keep our creative sauces at a vigorous boil. We don’t see what we have to offer as a “product line” so much as a constantly evolving menu of limited edition pieces.